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Saturday, February 27, 2016

“Professional Hopes and Goals”

I hope to make available to every child the opportunity to experience other diverse backgrounds by interacting with other children to learning their individuals’ ethnicities.  It is also important to create an environment where children can gain a sense of well-being and learn a young child’s diversities traditional upbringing.  Consequently, working with young children and their families, learning more about their culturally diverse backgrounds will help me meet the needs of every child becoming successful in the classroom. 

A goal that I would like to set for an early childhood with issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is to gain a better understanding of children and families of a diverse culture to help the to learn how to adjust to diversity and equality.  Children will learn to become successful with their various strengths, abilities, interests and cultural practices if they understand and better supported by professionals.  Louise Derman-Sparks, “and I think that a lot of the knowledge we've learned from the work in early childhood education around diversity and equity issues, particularly sort of the developmental issues--art can also be useful to people in other aspects of social justice work (Laureate Education, 2011)”.  As a result, of professionals building a child’s knowledge in the classroom mainly that will provide benefits for teaching them about their cultural histories.  

To my dear instructor and colleagues, we have been working together and gained a lot of educational experiences in this course.  I would like to take this time to thank you all for the opportunities that we’ve shared in this class.  I wish you all the best and send my blessing with your endeavors.


Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Diversity and equity work: Lessons learned [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu


  1. I agree that children need a classroom in which they are so comfortable and can learn. I think children should be introduced to variety cultures and their beliefs. I also believe that in order for us to know our families and meet their needs.

  2. I agree that classroom should be diverse. After all in todays global economy very few, if any, jobs are mono cultural. By promoting a safe and diverse class in early childhood, one can develop empathy and compassion for other unlike them.
