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Saturday, November 22, 2014

“Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions”

I have come across a lot of people whose sexual orientation different from myself and others.  Love is a communicative and pleasant emotion from a passionate attraction between two people connected with affection.  An intimate relationship involves a physical attraction between people and sometimes the two people are of the same sex.  Almost all same sex relationships encounters are prone to microaggressions; unfortunately, in this society, racism continues to pestilence the world.

People with homosexual or bisexual orientation have been denounced whether intentional or unintentional.  Homosexuality typically remains culturally indistinguishable, and when individuals take part in homosexual behavior or who are recognized as homosexual becomes observable and subject to be attacked by society, which I feel is very unfair.  It is important to understand that people are sensitive to their own cultural briefs and value diverse cultural as well.   No one is born racist but no one born into this society is immune to its distortions, interwoven into all aspects of life (Margles, S & Margles, R.M., 2010).


InvertingRacism’sDistortions - Sarah Margles. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://culturalpolitics.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Inverting-Racisms-Distrotions.pdf

Margles, S., & Margles, R. M. (2010). Inverting racism's distortions. Our Schools/Our Selves, 19(3), 137--149. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database: http://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=51372248&site=ehost-live&scope=site

1 comment:

  1. Barbara,
    It is true that no one is born with all of these preconceived notions and inclinations to treat people based off of those notions. Members of the LGBT community do get a lot of abuse in our society. I also believe that this is unfair. It is important that as educators we have an understanding of different family structures and do not mix our own beliefs into how we treat students and their families.
