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Sunday, July 27, 2014

"My Connections to Play"

"Play is the beginning of knowledge” & “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” are two quotes that I feel summarized what play represented in my childhood. 

We played these games as a child growing up, and there was a lot of support from family and friends.  Families in the neighbors developed good relationships among each other, therefore, children were able to communicate effectively and play well together. 

There is a big different today how children play.  They have games, television, and computers, instead of reading books, writing or use their imaginations. Children now days say that they’re bored.  As a child found things to do to keep us engaged learning, playing and solving problems. Most children aren’t able to engage into combined activities.   Therefore, professionals must have a curriculum for young children to play together and assist each other in collaborative activities.  Developing language and literacy skills begins at birth through everyday loving interactions, sharing books, telling stories, singing songs, and talking to one another (ZERO TO THREE, 2012)

 ZERO TO THREE: Early Language and Literacy. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.zerotothree.org/child-development/early-language-literacy/


  1. I love the simple things like jacks. My daughter is 11 and my mom taught her how to play. It only takes small things to really get a child's interest and to learn how to play. Do kids even play hopscotch anymore? : (

  2. Thanks Ranichic, unfortunately, I don't see children playing hopscotch as much as a child.
